News & Blog

5 Ways to Incorporate Video into Digital Marketing

News & Blog

videos in marketing

Is video a part of your digital marketing strategy? If not, you are way behind your competitors as they are all already doing it. Fortunately, it is still possible for you to catch up with them. You just have to focus on using video content a little more. Marketers are going to use videos more than ever before and you need to start right away if you want to be in the race. Read on to know more about how you can incorporate video into your digital marketing strategy.

Incorporating videos into your digital marketing strategy is not as simple as creating a few videos and adding them to your online content. The steps involved are:

  • Deciding the types of videos you need to make
  • Creating a YouTube channel exclusively for your business
  • Deciding where you should post your videos

Why Businesses are including videos

You need to update your marketing strategies on a continuous basis, depending on what is trending in the market, if you want the results you are looking for from your business. Only then will you be able to derive maximum benefits from your marketing efforts. One of the major reasons why businesses are including videos in digital marketing is that customers prefer watching videos to reading lengthy content. Surveys show that 87 percent of customers expect brands to provide videos. Further, 90 percent of the customers have opined that videos help them make purchase decisions quickly. Having said that, the five new ways to incorporate videos into digital marketing are:

Demo Videos

You can create demo videos to show your target audience as to how your products work or can be used.


  • Provide proof that your product’s performance matches with your claims.
  • Demonstrate the important features/benefits offered by your product.
  • Make it clear as to how your product is to be used (introduce prospective users to new products).

Brand Videos

Brand videos are often created as part of marketing campaigns. These videos showcase your products and services and your company’s mission and vision.


  • Help improve conversion rates by as much as 80 percent.
  • Encourage social sharing.
  • Build trust, credibility, and loyalty among your customers and followers.
  • Beneficial for on-page SEO.

Event Videos

You can also create videos of events such as fundraisers, discussions, conferences, and product launches and upload them to your website or other key places.


  • Enable your target audience to watch your events even after they have been held.
  • Can be used for promoting events that you may hold later on.
  • Can also be used in marketing campaigns.
  • Make your business modern and credible and present opportunities for engaging with visitors.

Expert Interview Videos

Expert interview videos with industry thought leaders help you to build your credibility, authority, and trust.


  • Interviewing a credible personality helps you to tap into his/her audience base.
  • Offer a great deal of value to your audience.
  • Are great from an SEO point of view as well.

Live Videos

Live videos give your audience a glimpse of the behind the scene action and help increase engagement rates.


  • Statistics show that the time spent on live videos is 8.1 times more than that spent on recorded videos.
  • Audience engagement is higher during live videos.
  • Help you reach a wider audience.

If you want video production to be a part of your digital marketing strategy, Spree Marketing can help you. Spree Marketing, established in 2013, is a leading digital marketing company in Pune. Digital marketing experts at Spree collaborate with brands and help them accelerate their growth. Over the years, the company has helped businesses operating in sectors such as IT, healthcare, real estate, and media to achieve success by organizing digital marketing campaigns for them.

Our focus is on maximizing our clients' profits through ROI optimization. This is what we mean by value creation.