Email Marketing

Sending emails to prospects and customers is a highly effective digital marketing approach.

Email still remains the #1 communication channel.  It is estimated that 99% of consumers check email once daily if not multiple times a day. And it may not be so for other communication methods.

This statistic can be used to your advantage, convert prospects and leads into customers, and ensure buyers evolve into loyal devoted fans.

  • List Building

    Social Media platforms are subject to legal regulations and can be suspended or deleted at any time. This is not true for an email list. You are the owner of your email list and it always stays with you.

  • Opt – In Forms

    The primary use of your opt-in form is to effectively convey the benefits of your product or service, so website visitors will subscribe to your email newsletters in exchange for obtaining useful information that your emails provide.

  • Lead Nurturing

    Marketing automation tools that allow users to create complex automation workflows and conditional statements within email messaging with the aim of  resulting in a sale.

  • Autoresponders

    Arguably an online marketer’s most powerful tool for making sales, autoresponders help you to successfully engage your email list, build relationships, and turn prospects into buyers.