News & Blog

How to Leverage Guest Posts to Increase Traffic to Your Blog

News & Blog

typing guest posts

Guest posting presents online publishers and website owners with an opportunity to share their expertise and experience with the world. Guest authors share their knowledge, insights, and skills on the published website of another organization. Website owners prefer to write and publish guest posts rather than publish articles on their websites, for reasons such as:

  • It helps them increase awareness of their brands. This is because their content will be accessible to the viewers of other websites. This, in turn, leads to an increase in referral traffic when guest post readers click on the links that they have included within their content.
  • If websites that accept guest posts allow do-follow backlinks, it will contribute to increasing the domain authority of the guest post writers’ websites. This is beneficial because of the strong correlation between Domain Authority, the quality and number of backlinks, and search engine results. This also contributes to an increase in organic traffic.

For a website owner and the site that allows guest posting, it is a win-win proposition. While the former benefits from highly-targeted, keyword-driven contextual backlinks, the latter gets niche-specific, high-quality content that their target audience is looking for.

Having said that, here are some tips on how you, as a website owner, can leverage the power of guest posting to drive traffic to your website:

Define Your Goals

Guest posting does help in extending your brand into other niche areas and attracting new visitors to your website by improving search engine optimization. However, it pays to have absolute clarity on what exactly you want to achieve through guest posting. The three main goals could be:

  • Developing your reputation as a trustworthy individual and your expertise in your chosen field
  • Improving the exposure of your brand
  • Creating a backlink profile by including links to various sources, including your website, in your article; as more people share your content, your backlink profile grows.

It also pays to prioritize your goals, as the websites on which you want to publish your articles have to be chosen accordingly. For example, if your goal is to increase your personal exposure and web traffic, then you want to focus on websites that have a vast audience base and many active visitors.

Identify the Right Websites

When searching for websites where you can publish your guest posts, it is important to determine whether the websites are relevant to the industry in which you are operating. Some of the aspects you must consider to find out if a website suits your needs are:

  • Is the content of the website focused on your industry?
  • Is the audience of the website well-aligned to your industry?
  • Will the website’s audience benefit from your posts?
  • Does the website have an engaging and active audience? Check for evidence as regards regular sharing of posts?

A few tips to enable you to identify the best guest posts opportunities:

  • Perform a Google search using relevant keywords.
  • Find out where other guest post writers are publishing their articles by reading articles related to your niche on the Internet. This will help you to quickly familiarize yourself with authoritative individuals in the field and where they are posting their articles. You can reach out to a few of these guest bloggers and request that they introduce you to the key people at the websites that accept guest posts.
  • Check out the backlink profiles of your competitors using tools such as Ahrefs’ Backlink Checker.  This will help you to find out where your competitors have published guest posts. The next step is to reach out to these websites to find out if you can provide them with guest posts.
  • You can share your guest posts on social media platforms so that your content reaches a wider audience. You can search using the hashtag #guestpost, specifically on Twitter, to explore guest posting opportunities.
  • Check out online guest blogger communities that you can join. They  allow you to search for blog websites that accept guest posts.

In conclusion, selecting the right partner to provide guest posts is crucial to ensure that more visitors come to your site and Google views you as an authority in your chosen niche. However, you need to keep in mind the fact that guest posting is a long-term strategy. It can take anywhere from two to three months of consistent effort for the strategy to start giving you results.

We at Spree Marketing, one of the top digital marketing agencies in Pune, can help you if you are looking to use guest posting as a strategy to drive traffic to your website.

Spree Marketing is currently accepting guest posts.

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