News & Blog

7 Important Advantages of a Single Page Website

News & Blog

single page website

In a single page website,  the user can scroll through the entire company details, services etc. within a single page and does not have to click on different pages to access different information.

Visitors enjoy a linear navigation flow

– which tells a story with a clearly-distinguished beginning, middle and end.

  1. The single page layout is ideal for presenting brief data, is mobile friendly and simple to create. The user can easily traverse the website and find what he is looking for.
  2. It also serves as an ideal landing page, when appropriate call to action is included.  The single landing page format is attractive and tends to acquire more leads and conversions.
  3. These websites are easy to use across devices. It’s ideal for mobiles and touch screen devices where it can be easily scrolled to be read.
  4. The layout is simple and can be built in a way to easily convey company information. Larger companies too are resorting to building single page websites because of the ease of use.
  5. It turns out to be cost effective because of less time to create and maintain
  6. The load speed is less, making it faster to use and thus works better for SEO
  7. By using tools such as Google Analytics, it has been found that the bounce rate on such websites is lower. This too, serves as an important aspect in improving SEO

The primary advantage of single page websites is that the user can scroll through the entire company details, services etc. within a single page and does not have to click on different pages to access different information.

Single page websites are clean and comprehensible.

A single page website, that splits content into small sections and removes clutter, is easy to digest.

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