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ECommerce SEO for Shopify Websites

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More and more businesses have started using the Shopify ecommerce platform. In fact, the usage of the content management system (CMS) has increased more than two times since 2017. At Spree Marketing, we have worked with many Shopify stores and have helped them increase their revenues and ROI by improving their ecommerce SEO. Our experience is that implementing the SEO improvements to Shopify stores listed below can greatly contribute to driving traffic and increasing sales. Read on to know more about ecommerce SEO for Shopify websites.

Our Shopify SEO Recommendations

Shopify SEO is all about optimizing your e-commerce store, built using Shopify CMS, for search engines. Shopify is different from other content management systems and comes loaded with a set of exclusive features. While the platform offers better SEO capabilities, it can create SEO issues such as duplicate content. Setting right such issues enhances your e-commerce store’s rankings in search engine listings.

Duplicate content

Duplicate content created by Shopify is one of the key issues that has to be necessarily addressed. The presence of similar content on two separate URLs confuses search engines in determining which page should be considered as the canonical version. Besides, Shopify creates duplicate product pages by default. Furthermore, link signals get split between pages. This means the removal of duplicate content is the first step towards ecommerce SEO.

Site Structure

SEO for e-commerce websites is different from that for other websites. Your site should be well organized so that visitors can easily find the products in your store. Creating a hierarchical structure imitates the way shoppers browse a brick-and-mortar store. This means your online store should have a home page, a category section, and product pages.

Keyword Research

You might offer fantastic products and a highly organized site structure. However, if your content is optimized for search engines, you might not achieve the desired results. That is why it is important to do keyword research. Optimizing your e-commerce website for specific keywords is essential to drive traffic and improve conversions.

Both short-tail and long-tail keywords need to be used so that your website shows up at the top of Google searches. However, different content should be created around these keywords. Furthermore, keywords should be used in relevant places to help search engines and users quickly identify relevant content. This, in turn, brings more traffic to your e-commerce store.


Link-building helps you to enhance trust in your e-commerce website. When sources other than your blog and social media profile direct users to your online store, search engines consider your website more trustworthy. However, it is important to ensure that the website backlinking to your store is an authoritative and respectable site.

These are some of the key aspects that should be addressed when it comes to ecommerce SEO for Shopify websites. This is not an exhaustive list of SEO steps, but the most important ones.

At Spree Marketing, we appreciate the fact that a one-size-fits-all approach does not work when it comes to Shopify SEO. This is because products, services, and other aspects vary from one client to another. We have the experience and expertise to develop a customized Shopify SEO strategy that best suits the needs of your business. Our SEO experts will work closely with you, understand your business, and devise strategies to maximize your results.

Our Shopify SEO experts are adept at employing highly effective tools that enable us to track the progress of the implementation of your ecommerce SEO strategy and fine-tune the campaign. Finally, we have nearly a decade of experience and are a leading technology company and digital marketing agency in India.

Our focus is on maximizing our clients' profits through ROI optimization. This is what we mean by value creation.